Old Media vs. Modern Media

I created many physical and digital collages in a short amount of time with different prompts and images I found. I then scanned and used parts of the collages to create two 24x36 posters that have a far away and close-up read.

I was inspired by the images I had that depicted common media (radios, tv, view masters, etc.). I thought it would be interesting to create posters contrasting a poster with lighter imagery with a poster heavier in imagery and content. These posters juxtapose the past which felt less stressful and lighter while the other depicts modern icons from social media and “constant content” taking up most of the space which represents the amount of content we are all bombarded with today'.


I created many collages and picked about 30 that were my favorites to use as inspiration for the posters.

poster iterations


Most of the sketches were made physically and scanned and some were made digitally using Photoshop or Processing.